[Ansteorra] New Photos from 4 recent events

Rhodes-walden, Jennifer Jennifer.Rhodes-walden at usa.xerox.com
Wed Oct 9 15:54:45 PDT 2002

My apologies to you all - that was meant to be a private reply.

Sigh. It's been a long day.


-----Original Message-----
From: Rhodes-walden, Jennifer
Sent: Wednesday, October 09, 2002 5:54 PM
To: 'ansteorra at ansteorra.org'
Subject: RE: [Ansteorra] New Photos from 4 recent events

Lord Armand,

The good gentle receiving his AoA at the evening Court for Steppes Artisan
is Lord Brendan Delafyeld, also known as Brother Brendan.

Just thought you might like to know!

As for the image to the right of that... three of the good gentles from
Trimaris were standing as part of the Baronial Guard that evening. The jest
was made that the Baron had to borrow men from another Kingdom to stand his
guard - but don't quote me on that!

In service,

Elysia Katherine O'Malley
(who was at Steppes Artisan and saw all of the fun!)

-----Original Message-----
From: Armand Dragonetti [mailto:dragonetti at generich.com]
Sent: Wednesday, October 09, 2002 5:44 PM
To: Elfsea List; Ansteorra List; Glaslyn List; Loch-Ruadh List
Subject: [Ansteorra] New Photos from 4 recent events

Greetings my friends,

I have some new images to share online. They can be found at:

http://www.generich.com/elfsea/page99.htm  Steppes Artisan (Mostly from the
Pas and court. The lack of images of artisans and their displays is not
meant as a slight, it just worked out that way. If you have some you are
willing to share, I would be very happy to do so.)

http://www.generich.com/elfsea/page100.htm  Glaslyn's Defender of the Flame
http://www.generich.com/elfsea/page101.htm  Elfsea Defender
http://www.generich.com/elfsea/page102.htm  Laurel's Prize Tournament

Also, courtesy of Viscount Galen of Bristol, 4 new photos have been added to
the page at:
http://www.generich.com/elfsea/page96b.htm  (Dragonsfire Tor's 2002 Guardian
of the Tor event)

As always, I request your assistance in helping me correct mistakes and/or
providing more accurate information. Providing misinformation is a
disservice I sincerely wish to avoid.

In the service of Kingdom and Crown, I remain,
Lord Armand Dragonetti

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