[Ansteorra] Recruiting demo ideas

L T ldeerslayer at yahoo.com
Fri Apr 28 14:41:42 PDT 2006

Many different groups have helped with law enforcement riot training, first aid training, and things like that.

I know in Corpus that we did demos in conjunction with any of the Historical Ships that came in...including the reproductions of Columbus's fleet...

We picked up some members from those activities...

The movie theater demos and the museum demos tend to do well if we do good followup on the back end...


Ronda Roberts <rivyn at msn.com> wrote: At the risk of being ridiculed.....I wanted to bring up an idea that I think 
was actually shown on the Merry Rose list once, not certain because it has 
been so long....I just thought that it was so neat or nifty.....

Somewhere in California an SCA group was having a fighter practice and 
someone had mistakenly reported it as a riot.  Police showed up in full riot 
gear and when they found out what was really going on, they stuck around and 
had a little fun as well.  From what I remember the police were good at 
holding their ground and didn't give an inch.  :-)

If you think about it, the police/law enforcement has an honor code just as 
we do.  It would be possible to do something like this I am thinking and 
would be good publicity for not just us but for them and the city of Austin 
as well.

::ducks out and gets ready for rotten fruit and veggies to be thrown at 

In Service to the Dream,
Muriel filia Donaldi de Skia
Barony of Bryn-Gwlad
Fledgling of House FalconRose
Ambassador to Atlantia
Member of Academy of St. Gabriel

If you fear nothing, you love nothing; and without love, what is there to 
live for?

----  Sean Connery as King Arthur in 'First Knight'


>From: "Constance Elizabeth Campbell" 
>Reply-To: "Kingdom of Ansteorra - SCA, Inc." 
>To: ansteorra at ansteorra.org
>Subject: [Ansteorra] Recruiting demo ideas
>Date: Fri, 28 Apr 2006 12:21:05 -0500
>*raising my hand in the back of the room*
>OOh! Oh!  Pick Me!  I have some recruiting, and publicity opportunity
>ideas!  :-)
>First idea I have is that there are A LOT of colleges and universities
>within Ansteorra.  Find out which ones have history clubs, gaming clubs, or
>even see how active their history and theatre departments are.  Then see if
>we can do a demo on campus, and if they have organizations that have common
>interests, see about meeting or invite them to an event or something.  The
>ultimate-long term-goal is collaboration, and hey, maybe even getting a
>group started on campus..
>Next idea..  contact your local newspapers, news channels or cable
>access...  invite them to an event, to have them cover it, take pictures,
>coordinate interviews with key people..  I did this when I lived in the Far
>West, and they absolutely loved it.  The reporters really got into it,
>taking pictures (they got some really cool shots, too), talking to
>people...We got some great exposure (2 full page COLOR story).
>Next idea.. Go to the local libraries and put up flyers, and even have a
>demo there..  I great time would be during history month or something.
>Next idea..  it seems that fighter practices are where we get the most
>regular public visibility.  So, have one practice a month that's a
>"mini-demo".. everyone (even people who aren't fighting) come in garb and
>bring some things to display, have informational flyers, business cards, 
>a sign up sheed....  Have banners flying (if we don't have banners.. let's
>make some!)...  Be noticed!  In my opinion, I think a perfect opportunity
>(in Central Region at least) to do this would be during joint war 
>because of all the people who show up.
>I'm sure I have more ideas, but this is what I had off the top of my head
>when I really should be working.  :-)
>In Service,
>Ansteorra mailing list
>Ansteorra at ansteorra.org

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