[Ansteorra] Church Bells

Chris Zakes dontivar at gmail.com
Mon Nov 30 19:15:32 PST 2009

At 09:47 PM 11/29/2009, you wrote:
>One of the things I enjoy about our neighborhood in Buda is the sound of
>church bells from the nearby Catholic church. They are just loud enough to
>hear from inside the house during a quiet moment. From outside the house I
>can hear them clearly, ringing the hour, call to mass or -- during the
>holidays -- hymns and carols.
>Over the years I have paid enough attention to the bards to know that it is
>not uncommon for tunes to be reused, often for very different songs.
>However, some combinations are still disconcerting.
>Tonight when I was outside hanging Christmas lights the bells began to play
>a call to mass in the form of a tune I know as "The Lusty Blacksmith". I did
>laugh but I did not fall off my ladder.
>Christian Doré

Okay, I've got to ask... Does anybody know what 
the "church" version of that tune would be? Or 
was the bellringer just having a little fun?

         -Tivar Moondragon

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