[Ansteorra] Newcomers

Bianca della Vittoria bianca_celtic at yahoo.com
Mon Feb 22 21:03:22 PST 2010

One thing I was thinking about was when I first started SCA there often was a newcomers camp specifically for new comers at events such as Warlord. New Comers were not required to camp there and could camp with other friends in the SCA if they wanted. However for those who came in without knowing anyone, this gave them a place to camp and meet other new people as well as some oldtimers who camped there and get involved in activities and forge friendships. Steppes 12th night had a newcomers table set up back then too so people who's first event it was could have a place to sit and feel like part of the group. 
It seems like I have not seen this type of thing for quite a few years now (although I may be wrong, so please forgive me if some groups have done lately that I am unaware of  ), perhaps due to a drop at some point in people participating in the Newcomers camp. However if the need is there, maybe it is time to revive some of these ideas and try again. 
my two ducats,
Baroness Bianca della Vittoria

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