[Ansteorra] marking anyone or anything

Alexandra Shahan acshahan at att.net
Mon Feb 22 08:47:40 PST 2010

Okay, this newbie is now of two minds. As Claire has weighed in and redheads and twins must stick together, here goes:
Option 1: this newbie will be at her next event NOT wearing a belt, sash, medallion, piece of jewelry, ribbon or anything that might be mistaken for something that means something to someone. 
Option 2: this newbie will be at her next event wearing a sash of bright ORANGE ('cause I don't think it's been mentioned as meaning anything yet) SAFETY TAPE with the words "Clueless, please clue me in" written on it in permanent marker. 
Probably as readily as duct tape and just as period. 
Next event likely to be Lysts at Castelton - votes for my wardrobe taken beginning now.
Respectfully, but tongue-in-cheek,
Alexandra  McNeil NottClaire

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