[Sca-cooks] crocodiles and magpies

emilio szabo emilio_szabo at yahoo.it
Wed Mar 5 12:01:35 PST 2008

Cindy Renfrow:
Forgive me for coming late to this thread.  I don't know whether 
someone has mentioned this or not, but there's a reference to eating 
magpies in Athenaeus, Vol. II, p. 107.
The passage is listing many birds served at a feast and says:
	"…ducks, ringdoves, geese, snipe, thrushes, larks, magpies, swans, 
pelican, wagtails, crane…" >>

Strange. My edition of Athenaeus (ed. Gulick)

reads: "... ducks, pigeons, geese, sparrows, thrushes, larks, 

jays, swans, pelican, wagtails, crane---".

It is in volume II, page 107. My edition is "1928, repr. 1987".

"jays" instead of "magpies". That's not the same kind of bird?


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