<div>For those that have not seen this on the Ansteorran Marshals list, or subscribe to other SCA lists. The New release of the Society Marshal Handbook is available at <a href="http://sca.org/officers/marshal/docs/marshal_handbook.pdf">http://sca.org/officers/marshal/docs/marshal_handbook.pdf</a> This now incorporates the Combat Archery rules as well. The latest Ansteorra Complete Participants Handbook, which also includes the Ansteorran additions to Society rules is found at <a href="http://marshal.ansteorra.org/handbook/Complete%20Participant%27s%20Handbook%20Aug%202008.pdf">http://marshal.ansteorra.org/handbook/Complete%20Participant%27s%20Handbook%20Aug%202008.pdf</a></div>
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<div>All fighters should read and understand both publications.</div>
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<div>Yours in Service,</div>
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<div>Baron Michel mac Donnchaid, CAO</div>
<div>Kingdom Missile Marshal</div>