
Aodhan Ite an Fhithich aodhan at
Sat Apr 8 08:57:04 PDT 1995

Dia duit!

 [Replying to a message of Patricia Horton to All]

 PH> I will put what I have out on the net. It will be after this weekend
 PH> as I will be busy elsewhere (gee, I do have a life outside of being
 PH> KS ;-}). But remember things farther out may change.....

Thanks!  Understood that the further out an event is, the iffyer it is.

I take this to mean you *didn't* attend the Board meeting this weekend.  Did
someone from Ansteorra go?

 PH> By the way, each seneschal gets a copy of the FULL kingdom calendar
 PH> each month. Again, any of you can request to see it....

Yeah. But you have to catch 'em on the phone, arrange to meet somewhere, hope
they don't forget to bring the calendar...  And in some groups (e.g., the
Steppes, Loch Soilleir, Le Marche Sauvage) a trip to the Seneschals house can
become a major afternoon outing <g>.  If the calendar is posted here, all we
have to do is save it do disk.

Feicfidh me' ari's thu',

Baron Aodhan Ite an Fhithich    aodhan at
Master of the Laurel            Lough na Dobharchu' BBS  1-713-338-2570
Dobharchu' Herald               "Your Information Roman Road"
mka David H. Brummel            1:106/22  180:11/22  762:2200/2
SCA Member 02245                Barony of Loch Soilleir, Ansteorra
plummety sable and argent on a sun of eight rays or a feather bendwise
sinister sable
No bird soars too high, if he soars with his own wings. - Blake

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