
James Crouchet crouchet at infinity.ccsi.com
Tue Apr 11 15:49:22 PDT 1995

On Tue, 11 Apr 1995, I. Marc Carlson wrote:

> <"Michael A. Chance" <mchance at crl.com>>
> >Again, I think that we shouldn't force all heralds to be all things to
> >all people.  I'd rather see a system that identifies people as "armorial
> >design consultant", "names consultant", "field herald", "court
> >herald", "research herald", etc., with the ability to be certified in
> >more than one area of competence.  "Names consultants" could be
> >further identified with areas of specialization, such as Anglo-Saxon,
> >Norse, Russian, Italian, Spanish, Arabic, etc.
> Perhaps only break things down into Scholastics (with area specialists)
> and Beadles (the Loud People who make announcements) and only grant
> the title of "Herald" to one who actually *does* both.  And then, only
> allow Heralds to do the Court thing...
> "Mihi Satis Apparet Propter     Diarmuit Ui Dhuinn
>   Se Ipsum Appetenda Sapientia"	University of Northkeep
>  -- St. Dunstan			Northkeepshire, Ansteorra
> 				(I. Marc Carlson/IMC at vax2.utulsa.edu)

This lumps the "book herald" together with the heraldic artist, 
essentially saying all good researchers are good artists and vice versa. 
I know I keep harping on it, but I think the art aspect of heraldry is 
very important.


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