Event Ideals (fighting)

Michael A. Chance mchance at crl.com
Thu Jul 13 16:47:10 PDT 1995

Pug writes:

> crl.com				2        Larkspur, CA.
> 	So I assume EAST, but I wouldn't swear to that.

Well, CA (California, not Canada) is either West or Caid, not East.
However, CRL is one of those wide coverage ISP you mentioned.  I'm one
of the two, and I'm in St. Louis (Calontir).  Don't know who the other
person using CRL might be, though.  (Canada might be either An Tir,
Midrealm, or East, depending on the province.)

BTW, CRL does have some coverage in Texas, and they ain't too bad,
either service wise or price wise (about $20/month for unlimited dialup
access to a Unix shell account, with 10 meg of mail/file storage -
rates for other kinds of accounts are similarly reasonably priced).
If anyone is interested, I can send them the list of communities you
can reach CRL from with a local call.

Mikjal Annarbjorn
Michael A. Chance          St. Louis, Missouri, USA    "At play in the fields
Work: mc307a at sw1stc.sbc.com                             of St. Vidicon"
Play: mchance at crl.com

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