Award Distribution Was Re: Complaints about publications

Deborah Sweet dssweet at
Thu Mar 16 12:45:22 PST 1995

Savian writes:

>By the way, do you have an update or the RoP I can grab 
>electronically? I would guess your BBS does, but I don't remember how 
>to get to it. I like to use the information to do various analysis to 
>get a better picture of how Ansteorra's award distribution is 

Yes!! It's been *so* frustrating not having the awards listed in the 
Black Star for the past year and a half! I for one really miss it. How 
else can I find out who has received what award?

I too have been keeping a list of the award distributions, but only for 
A&S (AoA, Thistle, CIM, Laurel) comparing the number of days from AoA 
to each successive award, by region where it's possible to be accurate. 
I also have a small list comparing the peerages from AoA to peerage, 
divided by region (where known). There are, of course, many problems 
with a list of this fashion because someone could be playing for 10 
years or more without getting an AoA, but it's the best alternative 
right now. (Knights easiest, Laurels second, Pelicans the hardest, but 
vast differences by region.)

>I think that award giving is one of the ways that the kingdom's 
>development is guided.  A look over the thistles and what categories 
>they were given in is very illuminating <g>.

Here's an interesting note: [All data is accurate as of a year & half 
ago, when awards stopped being printed in Black Star]

Of approximately 77 Laurels, only 3 had received a Thistle in Costuming

Of the approximately 700+ Thistles, around 89 were given for costuming, 
the category with the highest number awarded (something like 15% of all

Or in other words, if you get a Thistle in Costuming, it's a kiss of 
death to achieving the Laurel.

If you really want to get a Laurel, your best bet is getting a Thistle 
in Calligraphy/Illumination.

(I don't have the hard numbers in front of me right now, but if anyone 
doesn't believe this I'll be glad to post it to the list or private 

I don't really anticipate the percentages/numbers to have changed much 
even over the past year and half.

Estrill Swet
Dancemonger & Keeper of A&S lists
(I've been thinking of adding more)
dssweet at

*I may work for OSU, but I certainly don't speak for them.*

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