Beware the Ides of March

Thu Mar 16 04:50:33 PST 1995

    Because here is another "Rough Draft" comment.
	 It would seem that we are spending a great deal of time discussing
	 the "mission statement" of this entity, when clearly its function
	 is different for each of us.

	 The topics of interest for those who subscribe to this echo are
	 varried, with only a tenuous thread of SCA orientation to hold
	 them together.
	 I, have little interest in the permissability of firearms at
	 events.  Few if any of our sites will permit them, and those who
	 are particulrly fascinated by black powder weapons are most likely
	 also involved in Black Power organizations.
	 None the less, the discussion is quite interesting, and I'd not
	 have it disapear for my sake.

	 I would prefer a thousand postings of matters of little interest
	 for the chance at the one gem which will make my day.	Even a
	 "private" posting that slips in to the echo may contain a piece of
	 usefull information.

	 [langj at]

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