Historical discourse (was Squires)

Nan Bradford-Reid n.b-reid at mail.utexas.edu
Fri Nov 3 08:16:48 PST 1995


(Now I have heard several discussions on this particular term. Some sources
say that it was an obscure part of the knight's armor having to do with the
portion of his anatomy that met the horse.  Other sources discount that
theory and say that qulaities were, in fact, a chocolate dainty preferred
by Queen Elizabeth in her later years.  Still others refer to qulaities as
a peculiar kind of rubber shoe worn by the Outer Hebrideans during the
spawning season of a certain low-tide crab.)

(Nan) Catherine

...Navy Wings are made of Gold...
|Nan Bradford-Reid                  |"I believe you understand what you|
|Department of English              |think I said, but I am not sure   |
|The University of Texas at Austin  |that you realize that what you    |
|n.b-reid at mail.utexas.edu           |heard was not what I meant."      |
|Member, Board of Directors,        |                                  |
|University Staff Association       |            Richard Nixon         |
Flying is the 2nd greatest thrill known to man.  Landing is the 1st.

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