BlackStar Changes

Nan Bradford-Reid n.b-reid at
Mon Nov 6 08:10:35 PST 1995

>Then buy a state highway map.  Compare the directions against that and draw
>your own map to the site.  It'll likely be better than most of the maps we
>have now.

We end up doing this with almost all of the event maps anyway, mainly
because the map and/or directions are so awful.  It's kind of *fun*,
though, like playing navigator games. :-{.

>Invest in some reading glasses or a magnifying glass.  A clean, well formed 8
>point font should be easily read by anyone with average eyesight (average
>eyesight being pretty abysmal in this day and age).  The 12 point we get now
>is a gross waste of space.

I tend to agree with Savian on this one.  You don't have to make the print
incredibly large to be legible--a compromise of 10 pt, maybe.  I *do* have
reading glasses, with which I can do the most intricate embroidery and
illumination, and still can't make out out some of the event
announcements--primarily because of the other problem you mentioned: people
not taking reduction into account.  The type is reduced beyond legibilty.

>How?  Map making, like map reading, is a skill it seems very few possess.

Maybe we ought to run a class.  I have no problem with either, except when
the map is made with no reference points--that's when I haul out the road
atlas.  One thing people need to keep in mind is that unless you possess
the Texas road atlas called "Back Roads of Texas," County Roads and most FM
and RM roads are *not* on commerical maps and road atlases and therefore a
major highway should *always* be used as a reference.

> JC> and a standardized look to event announcements so we
> JC> can quickly and easily get the information we need from them.
>This I'd go for.  Done properly, it would even leave room for maps <G>.

I can see it now:

Event:       Bryn Gwlad Baronial
Time:        4 PM 12 SEP 95 to 2 PM 14 SEP 95
Place:       Burnet  County FG
Fees:        More than the average slob can afford
Feast:       The usual
Tournament:  Yes
Children:    We hope not
Pets:        See above
A&S:         Bring something, we'll find *somebody* to judge it.

Directions:  West on 29 Left at second stop light in Burnet.  Right at SCA sign.

end announcement.

Well, you can see the obvious problems with this!  (Other than being *boring*.)
Anyone coming from west of Burnet is going to be in serious trouble!  And
the SCA sign will probably be gone by dark on the first night.  But then,
I'm a huge cynic. <G>

This *is*, of course, an extreme and silly example, but I have seen just as
bad in the *BS*!

But, you are right, improvements can and certainly should be made to many
of the event announcements.'s Monday.  Does it show?


...Navy Wings are made of Gold...
|Nan Bradford-Reid                  |"I believe you understand what you|
|Department of English              |think I said, but I am not sure   |
|The University of Texas at Austin  |that you realize that what you    |
|n.b-reid at           |heard was not what I meant."      |
|Member, Board of Directors,        |                                  |
|University Staff Association       |            Richard Nixon         |
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