Fwd: Smalls

Ysoulde at aol.com Ysoulde at aol.com
Tue Nov 28 07:03:56 PST 1995

Forwarded message:
Subj:    Smalls
Date:    95-11-28 10:01:41 EST
From:    Ysoulde
To:      Ansteorrs at eden.com

In reading a Random House Ditionary of the English Language, the deffination
for small is as follows: of limited size; of comparatively restricted
dimensions; not big; little. it goes on to state: young, esp very young.
Further reading brought me to this: small-clothes: small personal item of
clothing, as underwear, handkerchiefs, etc. Knee breeches, esp. the
close-fitting ones worn in the 17th, 18th, and early 19th centuries.
Therefore, I feel that I have every right to call my child a small, and to
have everyone understand what I mean. The first place I heard a child
reffered to as a small was in the S.C.A. Maybe someone should have a class on
proper wording for our (?) times.


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