* SOMEBODY VOTE DAMMIT!* from GC council

Deborah Sweet dssweet at Okway.okstate.edu
Tue Nov 28 08:37:22 PST 1995

Well, where are the people from Ansteorra? None of them have voted on 
this issue. You have three choices: Yes, No, Abstain.

______________________________ Forward Header __________________________________
Subject: * SOMEBODY VOTE DAMMIT!*  ARTHUR:10/08 Yes=10 No=10 Abstain=
Author:  arthur dent <arthur at CNJ.DIGEX.NET> at SMTP
Date:    11/27/95 9:07 PM

Arthur The Dented :11/06/95
Janna Span/Caitrin:11/06/95
Chuck Hack/Serwyl :11/06/95
Alyson/carol Roose:11/07/95
Alban St Alban    :11/09/95
Justin            :11/09/95
Finvarr           :11/11/95
John of Sternfield:11/11/95
Magnus            :11/11/95
Kyle kincora1 at aol :11/21/95

Frederick of Holland:11/06/95
Hossien             :11/06/95
Cariadoc/David      :11/07/95
Sven Noren/Frithiof :11/07/95
Joseph Heck         :11/07/95
Corwyn              :11/09/95
Tibor               :11/09/95
Eichling            :11/11/95
Bertrum             :11/11/95
Fiacha              :11/27/95
Proxy for Isabeau of the wild wood:11/09/95
roy gathercoal                    :11/21/95

(faicha changed his vote on the 21st from yeah to nay)

-----------------OCT 8 GC ORG PROPOSAL AS AMMENDED-----------------------

I motion that *THE* topic on the floor of the Grand Council From December 1
to December 31 1995 be grand council procedure, organizations, etc. To
include  discrete procedures for

1) placing a topic on the floor of the GC and both focusing discussion
upon it and limiting the length of that discussion

2) closing an item of discussion with an official GC position 'and
disenting positions'<amended 11/07/95>

'3) determining necessary offices (Secretary, facilitator etc), a means of
Filling and vacating those offices, and determining thier duties and
minimum performance.'<amended 11/07/95>

'4) that voting on this measure be closed on Noveber 28th and results be
determined by a simple majority of votes recieved by that date'<ammended

The *SECOND* most annoying thing that could happen is a deadlock... the
( the most annoying was 'no reponse' which is waht ticked me into this in
the first place)... Betwee the Ayes, Nays, and Abstains, we've got a
pretty good roll call of who's still out there.

to those of you out there who read this and HAVENT voted yet

                    !DAMMIT VOTE SOMETHING!

If you havent voted yet, or if you wish to change your vote, please E-mail
to arthur at cnj.digex.net EVEN if its to abstain so I and others can get a
real picture of participation...

If youd like to ammend this let me know by private e-mail... I guess we're
in the 'caucussing' stage where compromises are made on the floor during
the vote so that SOMETHING passes. Votes arent considered final till
midnight on the 28th, so feel free to change yours by sending antother
one. Such ammendments as there are have been to keep the motion current,
both in date and with GC discussion, AND with the input and suggestions
coming in with the votes.

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