Arts and Sciences Competition

Nan Bradford-Reid n.b-reid at
Thu Oct 26 12:58:47 PDT 1995

a) Few, if Any, Pagans survived into
>the European Middle Ages (and none west of Denmark after 1000 AD), and
>those who did survive (east of Denmark) may have left materials that might
>have survived the Conversion Process, but that's not my area of study.
>b) The Pagans who were driven Underground by the relentless persecution
>of The Church would have been stupid to write stuff like music down,
>particularly since they ostensibly were coming from an Oral Tradition).


>Therefore, no Period Pagan music, and no matter how much I may tease my
>wife that her Christians stole all the good hymns, I know it's more likely
>that they aren't there because they were *never* there.

(( "ditto" is not allowed, so write your own agreement term)0

((Nan))  Catherine

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