Philosophy of newsletters (was RE:NMS)

Deborah Sweet dssweet at
Mon Oct 30 07:13:58 PST 1995

Aodhan writes:
>The monthly newsletter should not be a venue for best artwork (little of
>which, even among the cover art, is of period style); the Arts & Sciences
>Issue is the place for that.  The purpose of the monthly newsletter is to
>disseminate information.

So, if the purpose of the kingdom newsletter is to disseminate 
information (which I believe is it's purpose as well), why do we persist 
in having elaborate, decorative "flyers" instead of just text material 
for event announcements? What will have to happen to accomplish this 
change? A kingdom chronicler who wants to do it this way? (Or are Aodhan 
and I the only ones who would want this change?)

This brings up questions regarding local newsletters. Is their purpose 
also to disseminate information? And if so, the same type of information 
(ie officers' reports & event announcements) or should they have more of 
the A&S stuff? (Maybe this is why people insist on seeing the kingdom 
newsletter as a place for decorative event flyers. They are combining the 
local newsletter style with the kingdom newsletter style.)


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