Festival of Japan

Mordraut Freyulf mordraut at moritu.com
Mon Apr 8 02:09:48 PDT 1996

On  7 Apr 96 , Keith Ewing shaped electrons to state:

> Anyone who let the weather scare them away from Brad Leah's Festival
> of Japan made a mistake. The weather was beautiful. The tournament
> was glorious. The feast was unusual and excellent.  

To me, the weater was all part of the atmosphere for the event.  
Since I'm a Mongol, I expect to get very wet going to Japan:-)  

> If everyone asks Daffydd and Octavia and Brad Leah real nice, maybe
> they'll do it again next year.

If you don't want to ask, try begging, that's what I plan to do.

 |-------------------|  Mordraut Freyulf
 | Dark Horde Moritu |  mordraut at moritu.com
 |-------------------|  http://www.realtime.net/~mordraut/
                    Stolen Quote of The Moment:
Sex is the invention of a clever venereal disease. 

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