Proudest Award

Hugh Niewoehner: FSI-SSD, Avionics Systems hughn at
Tue Apr 30 06:11:53 PDT 1996

>From: stddly at (lorraine )
>Date: Mon, 29 Apr 1996 01:50:43 -0500
>Subject: ?
>What award(s)/ recognition did you receive that you felt the proudest of?

Liveried Guardsman of the Barony of Three Rivers.

No title other than "Guardsman", no prizes other than being able to stand
guard for hours on end, in and out of court, in or out of presence of Their
Excellencies.  Often on places so humble as the store room where peoples
stuff was kept during the day, completely out of sight of anyone.  The
badge?  Nothing more than a blue tabard bearing the arms of the Barony and a
white halberd head.  Something to be proud of? Yes!
What it really meant is that I'd done a job and done it well over a long
period of time.  I'd acted with the decorum and responsibility expected of a
representitive of the Barony. And, most importantly, I'd earned the trust
and friendship of a small group of people whom I respected and admired more
than any others I had encountered within (and possibly outside of) the SCA.
I still had to take my turn on that room away from everybody.  But, I also
knew that I might just find myself at a peerage meeting or meeting with the
crown to carry messages or summons for Their Excellencies or Their
Majesties, and all present knew by the tabard that, although present, I'd
not heard a thing.  Such is the honor, duty, and pride of those who are, The
My AOA, Torse (Calon version of Crane), and Thistle pale in comparison.
Giving up that tabard and what it represented when I moved here was possibly
the hardest thing I've ever done in the SCA.  


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