Newbie stuff

eric brown caladin at
Fri Aug 2 21:56:30 PDT 1996

>Most of the banned weapons styles like two-headed polearm, mace and chain,
>etc.  were tried in the very earlest days of the SCA.  In most cases
>expereance showed that these weapons and styles were too dangerous to allow.
>While they might be fought safely in many cases it was just too easy for
>them to become unsafe and result in injury in the heat of battle.  This is
>the same reasoning we use to no try and recreate full speed combat from
>houseback, it is just no possable to make it safe.  
>Sir Burke
>Burke McCrory
>burkemc at
>aka. Sir Burke Kyriell MacDonald

Sir Burke, 

Thank you, 

        That is the most logical, consice and informative answer I've ever
gotten on that subject. 

  Caladin Ironhearth,            |  Eric W. Brown
  Bryn Gwlad,                    |  3229 Parkhills Dr.
  Scotland, 1595                 |  Austin, Tx, 78746 
                                 |  (512)329-8643
A half and half green and white thingy with a swappydoodle other 
color thingy on it that looks like a ^

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