Group Origins was Re: SCA near Rice

Deborah Sweet dssweet at
Thu Aug 8 12:54:56 PDT 1996

Amr ibn Majid al-Bakri al-Amra wrote:

>I certainly won't hold it against him. I shudder to think how many 
>people I have forgotten who only appeared for a brief stay in our 
>midst, and even some who travelled with us for a while.

I certainly don't hold it against him either. It's very scary at times 
to look at various populace lists from years back and see several names 
that you just can't remember who they were. Or even if you can remember 
them, to think that it's been years since they've played.

>As a "Hall of Honor" notation, I am aware of at least three early 
>participants in Moonschadowe / Mona Sceaduwe who have now passed into 
>the next existence: Malika of Maubla, Dorina (mundanely my second 
>cousin), and David (the brother of Isolde Dion Euves d'Argent).

A small correction: it is Muldona of Maubla.

>Are there others that I have lost contact with that are in need of 
>special memory?

Not any that I am aware of from the old timers. However, there has been 
one new person that was lost to us: Talen & Treschen's son Alexander.


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