peer fear was Re:Peerage stuff

dentim at dentim at
Tue Dec 17 13:50:18 PST 1996


Her Excellency wrote..

>I'm curious:  is there anyone out there reading this now who has or had
>a genuine bottomline case of peer fear?  What is the dialogue that runs
>through your head as to why you cannot approach someone with a peerage
>to ask them a question or favor or for assistance, even if they are the
>person best qualified to offer it?
>Countess Berengaria de Montfort de Carcassonne, OP
Hmmmmm. That's a tough one. I've been playing for only about a year, so the
thought of me walking up to Duke so-n-so and asking his advice on oh,
footwork or some such makes me want to cringe. The group I play with has a
Knight and a Laurel who are very active (it's a small barony),and I talk to
them all the time. I guess that's a little different, since we're on a first
name basis and see each other (almost) every week. Both are great people who
are most willing to help me or answer questions I might have. I've meet some
other Knights (I'm a heavy fighter) who now know me by name, but I don't
feel very comfortable just striking up a converstion with one. This is'nt
their fault. I guess I'm a little shy. Sometimes the SCA seems like a grade
school with the Peers as the teachers and us little tykes the students.(hey,
I like that!) It's just easier to talk to your peers (little p) who only
have an AOA or maybe a H.L., than someone you know only by a big reputation.

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