Peer Fear (was: Re: Peerage Stuff Re: Why I Hate Fencin

Matthew R. Popalisky mpopali at
Wed Dec 18 14:35:19 PST 1996

On Wed, 18 Dec 1996, Jeanne C. Stapleton wrote:

> there's justification for this attitude!  :-)  I've made friends with 
> little clusters of people who weren't peers when I first knew them, 
> but got there.

Reminds me of a friend of mine's attitude- "I knew them before they had
AoAs."  He and her marvelous Knight of a husband are the reason I'm OK
about non-music peers.  This was reinforced by meeting some lovely,
helpful peers.

I suspect I will be in awe of Their Majesties and Highnesses until I
actually know one, I guess (Go, Hlodowechssun!).


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