Evolution of SCA:

Scott Fridenberg scottf at galaxy.galstar.com
Fri Dec 6 00:11:01 PST 1996

Deiter wrote:
> So to you, the  people of Ansteorra, I pose a query, how has 
> the SCA changed since you joined?  THe level of 
> authenticety,the fighting, the arts, or just the "flavor" of  
> events. How have these changed? Are we getting better?

        I attended my first event 11 years ago, and I remember 
vividly how wonderful it all was.  I didn't travle much in 
those early years but tried to get to the close events.   I 
think we have changed in many ways, mostly for the better, in 
some ways for the worse.  
        The Arts and Sciences are far better than they were ten 
years ago.  I attended Laurels Prize Tourney last month and 
was amazed at the veriety and quality of the works displayed.  
In those days it was a good idea to take along something extra 
to eat in case the feast was inedible. I remember several that 
were.   Now the best food I eat all year will be at an SCA 
feast, and I'll be hard-pressed to decide which feast was the best.  
When I started, live music at an event ment Sir Erich 
Hlowawexon (SP?) of Grimfells and his guitar.  Now there are 
highly skilled musicians playing at most events, often during 
court and feast.  The improvements in fighting and armor have 
already been mentioned by others.  

        I think that events were more fun when I started.  
Almost Every event I went to had a Bardic Circle that went 
long into the night.  Now about the only time I get to attend 
a good bardic circle is when I get to Steppes.  It'not 
uncommon to have events with no bardic circle at all.  The 
most recent Northern Salute to Ansteorra bosted that it would 
hold an "Old Fashoned Bardic Circle".  About a dozen people 
showed up, and the broke up and went to bed by midnight.  I 
know we're all getting older, but Midnight?   
        I too think that there is less courtisy now than 
then.  When I started, if you pulled into camp late at night, 
you wouldn't be able to setup camp without several people 
showing up to help.  I don't see that happening anymore.  We 
should all make an effort to revive that practice.  
        I also remember when events sheduled activites on 
Sunday and people stayed and visited till the Autocrats rant 
them off.  Now at many events Sunday is little more thant the 
day to pack-up and go home.  By noon half the people have 
Robert Fitzmorgan
Barony of Northkeep

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