Clan Yellow Feather!

Jeanne C. Stapleton jstaplet at
Mon Dec 30 12:49:34 PST 1996

> Countess Berengaria wrote:
> >Fluorescent chartreuse?  You first!  You make it!
> Nay, your Excellency, such a color be not for me, for I am but a
> poor shy fellow!
> *grin*
> Gio.
> p.s.  Plus, it wouldn't match a thing I own!  Wouldn't want to
> clash!

Oh, Gio, you silly boy...I meant you make something for me out of 
fluorescent chartreuse!  i don't costume!

And clashing is *period*!  C'mon...
Countess Berengaria de Montfort de Carcassonne, OP
Barony of Caerthe
Kingdom of the Outlands

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