Stefan's SCA filelist-CLOTH

Mark Harris mark_harris at
Tue Feb 27 11:00:24 PST 1996

I have decided to post small sections of my SCA Rialto Filelist here, so
that those visiting here can see if there are any files that fit their 
interests yet haven't been mentioned in my monthly articles.

Those who have Web access can find these files at:

Although, currently the Webmaster is about two months behind in putting
file updates on the page.

I can also send these by email or on disk.

Stefan li Rous    Barony of Bryn Gwlad
(512)892-0036     markh at

I will use a header similar to the one above so those not interested
in these files can more easily skip the future messages.

The file size is in bytes with about 3K bytes per page.

cl-EastEur-msg      (5K)	 3/31/95	Clothing of Eastern Europe.
cl-Ireland-msg     (23K)	11/29/95	Medieval Irish clothing.
cl-Moorish-msg     (14K)	10/ 4/95	Clothing of the Moors and Arabs.
cl-Rom-Brit-msg    (18K)	10/17/95	Article on Basic Romano-British Clothing.
cl-Scotland.msg   (104K)	12/ 7/95	Clothing of Scotland. folding of kilts.
cloaks-msg         (36K)	 1/ 3/95	Cloaks, cloak pins and clasps.
clothing-bib       (27K)	 4/19/95	Bibliography of Russian, East Europe,
                                    East clothing books. Other books, too.
clothing-books-msg (59K) 9/ 6/95	Book reviews, bibliographies and pattern
clothing-FAQ      (56K)	 8/ 2/93	Clothing - Frequently Asked Questions.
clothing-msg     (104K)  1/17/96	General comments on clothing.
clothing-L-msg     (9K)	 3/28/95	Clothing for large women.
clothing-MN-msg   (50K)	 1/24/96	Maternity and nursing garb.
cotehardies-msg   (27K)	12/ 7/95	Making 13th century cotehardies.
fashion-msg        (9K)	 4/27/95	Why certain clothes were in fashion.
fasteners-msg     (45K)	 1/22/96	Clothing fasteners, buttons, lacings.
gloves-msg        (18K)	 1/ 3/96	Gloves. making gloves.
headgear-msg      (61K)	 9/12/95	Hats, veils and other headgear.
hose-msg          (54K)	 2/ 8/96	Hose and leggings.
merch-cloth-lst   (18K)  1/25/96	Lists of clothes and pattern merchants.
pants-msg          (9K)	11/22/95	Medieval pants, pantaloons, breeches.
patterns-msg      (41K)	 2/ 5/96	Sources for clothing patterns.
raingear-msg      (32K)	11/29/94	Period raingear. waterproofing cloth.
seamstresses-msg	 (14K)	10/ 9/95	Working with seamstresses. Lists & reviews.
shoemaking-msg	    (9K)	 8/24/95	Making shoes. More detailed than shoes-msg.
shoes-msg		      (158K)  8/24/95	Medieval footwear.
underwear-msg	    (50K)	 1/16/96	What to wear under garb. SCA and period. 


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