Stefan's Files - FOOD

Mark Harris mark_harris at
Thu Feb 29 13:14:20 PST 1996

Here is the FOOD section of my SCA Rialto Files.

Those who have Web access can find these files at:

I can also send these by email or on disk. If you request files be
sent this way, please specify whether you wish text or Word format.
Word format gets you the original formatting and fonts, but you will
need a word processor that understands this format to read them. Other
formats are possible such as Word Perfect.

Stefan li Rous    Barony of Bryn Gwlad
(512)892-0036     markh at

The file size is in bytes with about 3K bytes per page.

bread-msg         (18K) 10/31/95    Medieval breads and grains.
breakfast-msg     (41K)  3/20/94    What's for breakfast? SCA and period.
cookbooks-msg    (108K)  1/ 4/96    Reviews of cookbooks with medieval
cooking-bib       (14K)  1/24/95    Bibliography on cooking sources.
cooking-msg       (34K)  3/22/94    Cooking techniques.
cook-flowers-msg  (18K)  1/ 5/96    Cooking with flowers. Medieval flower
dairy-prod-msg    (18K)  7/24/95    Dairy products. milk, cheese in period.
feasts-msg       (117K)  5/22/95    Ideas and comments for SCA feasts.
feast-decor-msg   (13K) 12/17/93    Decorating the feasthall.
feast-ideas-msg   (14K) 10/20/93    Ideas for SCA feasts.
feast-serving-msg  (9K) 12/23/93    Ideas for serving feasts.
finger-foods-msg  (14K)  5/31/95    Ideas for finger foods at feasts and
food-msg          (99K) 12/14/93    History and descript. of various foods.
food2-msg        (117K)  1/22/96    More of food.msg.
food-storage-msg  (36K) 11/ 1/95    Storing and preserving food in period.
                                      refrigerated food for camping and
fruit-msg         (18K) 11/ 7/95    Medieval fruits and fruit dishes.
Norse-food-art     (8K)  7/26/94    Article on what the Norse ate.
nuts-msg          (14K)  6/28/95    Nuts, acorns, nut flours in medieval
ovens-msg         (18K)  9/18/95    Medieval ovens and SCA camp ovens.
rec-desserts-msg  (14K)  2/21/96    Medieval and SCA dessert recipes. Sweets.
rec-Mongol-msg    (18K)  9/21/95    Recipes for Mongol food.
recipes-msg      (162K)  1/ 5/96    Recipes for medieval food.
salads-msg        (36K)  1/11/95    Period salads. lettuce, greens.
sotelties-msg     (41K)  1/ 3/96    Sotelties and Warners - decorated food.
sugar-paste-msg   (36K)  3/ 8/95    Making sugar paste sotelties.
To_Mke_A_Tart-art (20K) 11/30/93    Article on medieval recipes using a
                                      onion tart as an example.
utensils-msg      (36K)  9/22/95    Utensils, plates, trenchers, cast iron

<the end>

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