Just Curious

Mordraut Freyulf mordraut at moritu.com
Tue Jan 30 05:11:47 PST 1996

On 30 Jan 96 , Pug shaped electrons to state:

> > Just curious.....what would be the cause of someone not receiving their AoA?
> > or why would a person be denied their AoA?
> Well let's see. I assume you man *an* AoA and not one they already have.

Let's add a few more:

6)  People assuming that they already have the award.  This works for 
others besides AoA's.

7)  Turning down the award in question.

8)  Being in the _wrong_ politcal faction.  This isn't as bad in 
Ansteorra as in other places.

9)  Not really deserving the award, but complaining that they deserve 

Mordraut  (Who has seen all the above:-)

 |-------------------|  Mordraut Freyulf:  mordraut at moritu.com
 | Dark Horde Moritu |  Mirrim of Bristol:  mirrim at moritu.com
 |-------------------|  http://www.realtime.net/~mordraut/
                    Stolen Quote of The Moment:
Sex without pain is like food without taste. -- M. de Sade

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