Awards for things (Was: Award Time)

I. Marc Carlson IMC at
Wed Jan 31 11:39:54 PST 1996

<Christopher Walden <cmwalden at>>
>Ah, there's the rub!  My tastes tend more toward authenticity, so I 
>am more impressed by a person who has received an award for "doing it 
>right" than someone who has done "good enough."...

Just out of curiousity, have you ever *seen* anyone receive an award for
authenticity?  How about research?  Certainly I've seen them given out
for *applying* any reasearch they did, say in prettily embroidered costuming
(and I'm not criticizing that at all), but when was the last time a
research document *won* anything at an A&S competition?  A Sable Sphincter
was given out for *Authentic* clothing?

Personally, I would prefer that "authentic" remain the basis for my personal
standard, and not a cookie to crawl after, but the question came up recentl


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