Postal Changes
Deborah Sweet
dssweet at
Mon Jun 3 12:48:47 PDT 1996
To everyone on the Ansteorra list and several others:
In the process of my mundane job (senior secretary for the
Sociology Dept at OSU), those involved in mailing *anything* were
requested to attend a meeting that detailed changes that are occurring
in the US Postal Service.
The items that specifically, IMHO, relate to the SCA are these:
1. Addresses should be in all caps and no punctuation except for
the dash in the zip+4. Use a font with blocky letters with no
serifs. Numbers should be in a font that has clear
distinctions between each number, whether it's read forward or
backwards. Use only approved abbreviations.
2. The last two lines of the address should include all the
necessary information for postal delivery. The last line
should have city, state & zip+4. The next to last line should
have street address/po box/& any apartment numbers/suite #.
And the most important change (at least IMHO):
3. Any self-flyer, newsletter, etc. that is sent through the mail
should have the *FOLD* on the *BOTTOM* as you look at the
address. And it should be tabbed closed, not stapled. (That
way it can go through the machine & be processed at a faster
rate - which means faster delivery, & if your mail is metered,
it can have a substantial savings.)
4. There are some other changes that will certainly effect the
SCA-wide corporate mailings, and the kingdom mailings (such
as keeping records of accurate zip codes).
The Post Office is totally revamping itself in order to prepare for
the 21st century. They're dropping the 1st, 2nd, & 3rd class system. The
changes for 1st class mail will be in effect July 1, and the changes for
the 3rd class mail should be in effect October 1 (what used to be 3rd
class mail will have the requirements of 1st class mail & be charged as
So hopefully, I haven't bored everyone to death if you've read this
far. I'd be glad to try & answer any questions, but I'm not an expert.
As part of our notes say, "Remember 3.3 ounces 3rd nonprofit is 12.4
cents, but 1st class is $1.01."
The SCA would do well to make sure it does not have an increase in
our postage. Just flipping the newsletters to where the fold is on the
bottom would probably save a significant amount of money and it would
probably increase the speed with which we receive them.
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