VOLUNTEER for the Thirty Year Celebration

Mary Larose mlarose at access.victoria.bc.ca
Mon May 6 20:27:09 PDT 1996

Greetings from Isabella Lucrezia;

The 30 Year Celebration is just around the corner and volunteers will be 
needed for every aspect of the event. If you would like to volunteer at 
the event come to the administration building (Great Hall) when you 
arrive and find out all the exciting things there are to do!

Any Kingdom, Principality, Barony, Shire, household, yadda, yadda, yadda, 
that would like to volunteer for a specific day to work together as a 
group are most welcome to do so. Please feel free to email me with this info.

Meet and work with the fabulous denizens of An Tir!!! What more could you 

Looking forward to seeing you all.


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