help, please....

I. Marc Carlson LIB_IMC at
Thu Nov 7 12:26:24 PST 1996

<Caitrin3 at>
>I have a request and if anyone can help, I would really appreciate it.  To
>start, I make ceramic feast ware.  I use extremely mundane materials and
>methods doing this.  I have been told by many that molded ceramics are not
>period.  About a year ago, I met a lady (I don't remember her name or where
>she is from, sorry) who said that she read a book that mentioned molded
>ceramics found in archealogy digs...

I'm perfectly happy to tie up the net with stuff like this.  Heck I would
*prefer* to tie up the net with informative stuff like this.

If I may, let me ask you some stupid questions (as the only pottery I've
ever made was in elementary school, but I am currently collecting information
on medieval pottery finds for a friend).  By "molded", you do mean, as in
coming from a mold, as opposed to thrown on a wheel.  Right?  Is there some
easy way to distinguish something like this?  I assume if it is done in
multiple pieces, there would be a seam possibly visible, but are there other
sorts of clues that I should look for?

I know that in the Southhampton Digs (which, by the way, have a HUGE amount
of pottery) there is a pottery crucifix that I didn't look too closely at the
pictures of; and a costrel (a type of canteen) that I was far more interested
I. Marc Carlson, Reference Librarian    |LIB_IMC at CENTUM.UTULSA.EDU
Tulsa Community College, West Campus LRC|Sometimes known as:
Reference Tech. McFarlin Library        | Diarmuit Ui Dhuinn 
University of Tulsa, 2933 E. 6th St.    | University of Northkeep 
Tulsa, OK  74104-3123 (918) 631-3794    | Northkeepshire, Ansteorra

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