Laurel Prize Tourney

dennis grace amazing at
Sun Nov 10 21:56:59 PST 1996

Greetings, Cousins,

Lyonel y Aquilanne aqui.

Laird Alan MacRonan MacCalum posted:

>A vivat to all the fine craftmanship displayed this weekend!

I'm sorry, but this just won't do.  The good Laird's signature was longer
than his posting.  SOMEone must have SOMEthing more detailed to say about
this event.

Who did what?  How spectacular was it all?  What really cool goodies did the
artists get?  How many artists displayed their work?  How many and which
Laurels attended?  What other neat/bizarre/fascinating/horrifying stuff

Details.  We must have details.


Yours in Nosy Service

Sir Lyonel and Mistress Aquilanne
Dennis G. Grace
Postmodern Medievalist
Division of Rhetoric and Composition
Department of English
University of Texas at Austin
amazing at

Baro, metetz en guatge                    |  Lords, pawn your castles,
Chastels e vilas e ciutatz                |  your towns and cities.
Enanz qu'usquecs no'us guerreiatz         |  Before you're beat to the draw,
                                                    draw your swords.

                   -- Bertran de Born (a really fun Viscount)

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