Laurel's Prize Tourney

Gunnora Hallakarva gunnora at
Tue Nov 12 21:11:50 PST 1996

>Gunnora, could you tell us once again what it was you announced at event
that you would give out in the future? I was not in an area where I could
hear you.


If you happened to walk by my display, you will have seen a brass-bound
carved ivory box.  I intend to give this to the first person who presents me
with a Viking static arts display (i.e., pretty much any physical artifact
that is not textile) which impresses me as much as my box seems to impress
everyone else.  

This is a very nice box, and I'm starting now to make myself one so that I
don't have to feel deprived after I give the one away!

The next time I will accept entries to compete for the box will be at Tounee
de Lyonesse.



Gunnora Hallakarva
Ek eigi visa (th)ik hversu o(dh)lask Lofstirrlauf-Kruna
heldr hversu na Hersis-A(dh)al

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