Help in textiles (I think)

DEIDRA L GOUGH cat_eyes at
Tue Nov 12 19:16:09 PST 1996

I have a friend who has lots of white fabric she wants to die. However,
we are wondering if she should make the dress then die (the dress, not
herself) or die first then make the dress. Neither of us have had any
experience (sucessful or otherwise) in this area and we're baffled.
Advise is begged. We've been told it should die well. I've seen fouled-up
die jobs. That is not something I'd care to experience. 
Should we use the washing machine, hot water in the sink, or a pan of
boiling water?? She is tea-staining. I'm un-easy.

We appreciate any advice anyone can offer.

p s... Did you know ferrets have no spines?  :)

As usual,
the Easily Distracted...
L. Deirdre

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