Fencing Peerage Mechanics and Proceedural Questions

Gunnora Hallakarva gunnora at bga.com
Thu Nov 21 00:07:15 PST 1996

>Angus "The Curious" mac Taggart asks:
>But should we give
>serious consideration to the formation of a new peerage? Should the
>position of Don be elevated to being a peer? If so, should all Dons (and
>forgive me, but I know not the feminine (boy am I going to catch it for
>that one) form of Don), be elevated to peer status, or should they be
>re-avaluated(sp?) for the position of peer? If they are re-avaluated for
>peer status, should a new (and unused) title be coined? Should the Queen
>begin petitioning the peerage for the formation of this new status? Or
>should I shut up and run and hide the Highland way?

Heilsa, Angus:

The general thought on this topic, as I've heard it discussed among at least
the various Peerage Orders, is that Dons and Don~as (that's an enya there)
are being elevated to a Grant-level order.  They have not been evaluated for
the requirements of a Peerage.  Aside from proficiency in one's field of
endeavor, be it combat, arts, or service, a Peer is expected to have a
certain level of maturity and (hopefully) levelheadedness, a Peer should be
at least minimally able to practice the so-called "noble arts" (dance at
least one simple dance, be able to entertain by song or story, be able to
play chess or one's persona's equivalent board game, etc.)  Grant recipients
are not required to have the same accomplishments as a Peer, and hence no
one asks whether they have mastered these fields.

This is not to say that the existing members of the Order of the White Scarf
do not satisfy those requirements.  However, if the SCA was to establish a
rapier-combat Peerage, then the members of that Peerage should be the equals
in both skills AND rank to the existing Peerage Orders.  Thus, each White
Scarf would need to be individually evaluated for their worthiness as a
Peer.  I don't think we'd see mass Peerage-making among the Order of the
White Scarf, either... I'd bet that the Crown would take it's time and make
these hypothetical new Peers gradually, and after careful consideration.

Do not look for a fencing Peerage (nor an archery Peerage) anytime soon,
however, because this would have to be Society-wide, not just here in
Ansteorra.  As long as Rapier Combat is not only frowned upon but
out-and-out banned in some Kingdoms, there will NEVER be a Rapier Peerage.

Does the SCA need more Peerage Orders?  That's a topic sure to stir
controversy.  If one wants to see it happen, then one must work to promote
Rapier Combat in the ENTIRE Knowne World, not just in one's local kingdom.
Without universal SCA acceptance, there will be no new Peerage Orders.

Just as a personal observation, I have seen more than one White Scarf go on
to take a White Belt.  Proficiency in Chivalric Combat does not take great
size and strength (look at Duke Cariadoc, for instance, or Viscount Galen,
neither of whom are hulking brutes), nor does it accumulate more bruises or
worse injury than Rapier Combat.  I fenced in college (not at all the same
thing, I know) and I guarantee that a point bruise may be smaller in
diameter, but the damn things can go twice as deep and hurt three times as
much. I wonder if eventually the Knighthood should be opened to those who
have Peerage-level mastry of other combat forms than Chivalric Combat.

I think that as a Society, more of the Rapier Community should be elevated
to Peerage Orders, whether the Pelican for service to Rapier Combat, or the
Laurel for Rapier Combat as an Art and Science.  Alas, it doesn't happen
very often.  I don't know why.  But I do know that if someone you personally
know is desrving of such elevation, and they aren't getting it, you should
write a nice polite letter to the Crown and let them know that you think
that person is a Peer, and why.  Sitting around griping about the inequity
doesn't accomplish anything.  Positive thoughtful action can accomplish much.


Gunnora Hallakarva
Ek eigi visa (th)ik hversu o(dh)lask Lofstirrlauf-Kruna
heldr hversu na Hersis-A(dh)al

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