
Baker, Mike mbaker at
Wed Nov 13 09:47:00 PST 1996

Gio, Gio, Gio:

Of *course* I've heard of Mounds, OK.

Then, again, it doesn't hurt my geographic knowledge of Oklahoma that I was 
once tasked with creating a database of all the towns in the state. Wanna 
know something unusual? Of the towns (incorporated and otherwise, with and 
without post offices) known to exist in Oklahoma as of 1987, there were no 
duplicate names. Only one pair was even close to a replication.

Mounds is not unique to Oklahoma, however. Mounds, OK *IS* highly 
recognizable to many who read even irregularly in the fields of prehistoric 
anthropology & archeology...

Amr ibn Majid al-Bakri al-Amra
     currently residing in Barony of the Steppes, Kingdom of Ansteorra
Mike C. Baker                      mbaker at
Any opinions expressed are obviously my own unless explicitly stated 

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