Fimo and Ivory was RE: Laurel's Prize Tourney

Nathan Jones njones at
Wed Nov 13 10:43:03 PST 1996

Howdy Gunnora!

[very long letter about faux ivory, as predicted by the great and 
powerful psychic powers of Giovanni]

>The joke is that Gunnora can do ANYTHING using Fimo (and it's not too 
>far from the truth!!)  Enjoy!

I submit as illustration and proof that Gunnora can do anything with 
Fimo, this story.

As some of you may know, and for the edification of others, our Gunnora 
went though a phase in her life where she was very prone to car 
accidents.  Let's just call it bad karma and leave it at that.  *grin*

It was after another fender bender that Gunnora got the brilliant idea 
of fixing the frame thingy on the front headlight of her car with Fimo. 
She molded the clay in place, then drove around with her headlights on 
for a day or two to bake it with the heat of the lamps. 

It worked!  And I've no doubt whoever in Bryn Galad is driving that car 
still has the fimo holding the headlight in place!


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