
Baker, Mike mbaker at
Wed Nov 13 14:22:00 PST 1996

>>>> Oh, give him a break, a Saracen's a Saracen.
>>>Not if they're light-skinned "Persian", or Tuareg / "Moroccan", or 
>>>by the Spanish Moor, or ....
>>><for the humor-impaired, GRYN>
>>>Amr ibn Majid al-Bakri al-Amra (the caravan merchant & mercenary who was
[... SNIP ...]
>>Hmpf! Damned infidels gettin' uppity!  Looks like we're gonna have to kick
>>'em out of Jerusalem again!
>>Donati Knight of St. John
> Now Gunthar,  Amra is just pretending to be a Saracen.  We all know he is
> really a moonschaduewan.  :)

Burke, Burke, Burke...

You aren't supposed to remind him about _that_ until AFTER we've taken over 
the Knowne Worlde. Remember the plan, man, and what the Matriarchy was 

Drat. I Am Not Supposed To Know That, Am I?

<gryn continues>

Amr ibn Majid al-Bakri al-Amra
     currently residing in Barony of the Steppes, Kingdom of Ansteorra
     but still a product of Mooneschadowe in very many ways...
Mike C. Baker                      mbaker at
Any opinions expressed are obviously my own unless explicitly stated 

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