
Mark Harris mark_harris at quickmail.sps.mot.com
Wed Nov 27 08:11:40 PST 1996

<Silver Fox<katie15g at juno.com (Katherine G Decker)>>
>Also, he is very knowledgable about period hats.

To which Diarmuit responded:

>Thank you greatly, ma'am.  I also had the great fortune of having
>a lovely lady helping me to feel like I knew what I was talking 


Have you got a Web page brewing on this? Or a paper? I'd love to
add such a paper to my SCA Rialto Files. Either one on giving an
overview on hats or one detailing a particular hat or the hats
for a particular period. Like shoes, this is an area of clothing
that is generally overlooked in the SCA and that a lot of people
would like to do more with but don't know where to start. 

  Stefan li Rous
  markh at risc.sps.mot.com

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