Baufer weapons
Scott White
swhite at
Tue Oct 8 13:06:22 PDT 1996
>> Copied from the Complete Ansteorran Participant's Handbook:
>> No one under the age of eighteen years will be allowed to be a participant
>> in any SCA Combat Related Activity
> I understand this, and respect it, but I don't see why we cannot
>do other things with the kids.
Sorry, please forgive my abrupt answer. I just wanted to send the requested
excerpt first and had planned to draft a longer response later. I
wholeheartedly agree that we should develop kids' events like the ones
you've outlined.
I'm kinda worried about PVC-core weapons that, after taping, are only two
inches in diameter. Bet a kid could give another kid a squashed nose w. that
sort of thing. You might check out some of the Amtgard or IFGS pillow
weapons standards. And you might be able to modify/paint/cover a football
helmet w. adequate face grille for lightweight head protection.
I hope that as we develop/implement this, we'll keep in mind that the reason
for kidfighting is for FUN and not COMPETITION.
More thoughts later,
<swhite at>
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