Parents, kids and notorizing...

Gunnora Hallakarva gunnora at
Mon Oct 21 13:00:21 PDT 1996

Pug said:
>> As per Kingdom Law, Minors (0-17) MUST have parent or 	
>> guardian with notarized authorization papers.
>This has always had me curious, and as a new father especially so now.
>There seems to be a form when you bring a child on site that you have to
>sign. Now my question is do *parents* have to sign this and have it
>notorized? If so, why? If so, how come most sites just let you do it
>there without notorization? What *exactly* is the guidelines regarding
>children at sites?
>I certainly understand guardians needing it but not the parents.
>Phelim Uhtred Gervas

Heilsa, Pug.  

        As a Notary Public for the State of Texas, I have frequently been
asked to notarize statements for parents that provide a temporary guardian
with the power to provide/authorize food, lodging, medical treatment etc for
a minor child.  The parent has all those rights automatically.  My guess
(without clarification from those who made the rule, at least)  is that the
parent doesn't need a notarized form, the rule is saying the child must be
accompanied by (1) a parent or (2) a guardian with appropriately notarized
authorizations to provide appropriate care for the child.

        By the way, for those in Bryn Gwlad, I do not charge SCA members for
notary services. If anyone ever needs notarizations, call me to schedule a
time and you can come on over and have the notarization done for free. (This
can really save $$$, I've been seeing more and more documents that need
multiple notarizations... and the State allows notaries to charge each time
they "sign and stamp"!) Also, if I know ahead of time, I can bring my ledger
and seal to any Texas event and perform notarizations for folks living
outside Bryn Gwlad.



Gunnora Hallakarva
Ek eigi visa (th)ik hversu o(dh)lask Lofstirrlauf-Kruna
heldr hversu na Hersis-A(dh)al

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