principalities....a few new thoughts

dentim at dentim at
Wed Sep 18 08:01:37 PDT 1996


 ....Sir Keif wrote....

>Look at the other Kingdoms that have Principalities. There is a _separate_
>geographical location for each of those Kingdoms. The proposal here is to
>have 3 principalities with the Kingdom "overlaid" on top of them. I do not
>believe that this is possible under current Corpora/By-laws. The problem, as I
>see it, is that there is no place left for the Kingdom to exist in. Each
>Kingdom must have a certain number of members to exist. If the area now 
>occupied by Ansteorra is split into three principalities with no physical
>area to be defined as "Kingdom" then Ansteorra has ceased to exist. (The same
>is true of Baronies and Cantons...) There is no current structure to discern
>between "Kingdom members" and "principality members" if the two "spaces" 
>occupy the same location and zip codes. 'Tis a paradox methinks...
>Food for thought...
>Sir Kief av Kiersted...
>"Better the Hammer than the nail..."

        just a thought, but why does it have to be all or nothing? The only
2 options I have seen are a 3 principality split or *not*. Would'nt it  make
more sense to only have 1 principality?


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