
damaris damaris at
Wed Sep 18 09:49:59 PDT 1996

stddly at wrote:
>                        Postage paid by: [Image]
>     ---------------------------------------------------------------
> Well Met Brothers and Sisters...fellow Ansteorrans all!
> I do so wish I could operate this VAX mailer a bit more adroitly...*smile*
> I can't seem to get this rascal to do "quotes" from other's posts. Lionardo
> Acquistapace, Bjornborg...wrote on the differences of culture being regulated
> or enhanced by the Crown passing or recinding a Law at the Kingdom level. The
> only thing that effects a Region's or a Group's "culture" are the people that
> reside in that area. If the folk want a different flavor to their activities
> then they change things! What we really need in this Kingdom is not
> principalities...but, an end to APATHY! Too many, for too long, have let too
> few, do too much... Each of us, every person that ever reads these words needs
> to GET INVOLVED! Think on it people, if every one of us did but two hours per
> week on a number of Kingdom or Regional level projects what wonders could we
> produce... It doesn't take mega-bucks or a 40 hr. work week to accomplish
> Great Things for Ansteorra. It takes willing hands, active minds, a dollar here
> a donation of supplies there, and OUR Kingdom will take on a new look, a new
> vitality... If you've never held and office, get one! If an office is filled,
> be an _active_ deputy! Give of yourself, as so many gave of themselves to make
> this Kingdom a special place for YOU... You can make Ansteorra even more
> special for those that come after you... Ansteorra _is_ different than the
> other Kingdoms, let us all work to keep it so... ONE STAR...ONE KINGDOM.
> I remain...
> ...a stalwart ANSTEORRAN
> Sir Kief av Kiersted...
> "Better the Hammer than the nail..."

I want to go on record as being opposed to the breakup.  I intend to send 
a letter to TRM Mikael and Mikela as to my reasons.  Basically I see no 
need to do this at this time.  If the populace wants it and I'm part of 
the minority, then so be it.  But I am not comfortable with the fact that 
the proposal did not come from the populace.

Damaris of Greenhill/ mka  Susan Wieland

damaris at
Azure, three double-bitted axes in pall inverted with hafts
to center within a bourdure, or.

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