principalities...borders/Regional differences...

stddly at stddly at
Thu Sep 26 03:29:37 PDT 1996

Heilsa Aodhan, Brother and Friend!

>Dia duit!

>stddly at wrote in a message to All:

 sS> 'Tis a _LONG_ way from Seawinds and
 sS> La Marche Sauvage to Bonwicke and Adleruhe. 

>Heck, Kief, it's a long way from La Marche Sauvage to Loch Soilleir, or
>Bordermarch, or Raven's Fort.
>It takes me about the same amount of time to drive to La Marche Savauge as it
>does to drive to Mendersham or Namron or even the Barony of Small Grey Bear.
>Baron Aodhan Ite an Fhithich, ML
>Dobharchu Herald

True, true! The post was in reference to a question on my "For Instance
division" for the principalities issue. Shucks, I can drive to Barony Grey
Niche in the same amout of time it takes me to drive to Northkeep...*grin*

I've found your recent posts refreshing and to the point, as usual! Hugs to
thee and thy wonderful Lady!

In frith...

Sir Kief...

"Better the Hammer than the nail..."

Ansteorran to the core...!

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