Crown Principality, def

Lee Forgue eilis at
Mon Sep 16 13:35:34 PDT 1996

At 02:08 PM 9/16/1996 U, Stefan wrote:
>Palantine Baronies are those baronies that choose their
>baron by tournament like the kingdoms choose their crowns.
>I believe the only one is mundanely Hawaii but I may be

The Barony of the Far West (Guam to Korea, inculding Japan and Taiwan) is
also a Palatine Barony.  Both they and the group in Hawaii alternate chosing
their Baron -- between heavy fighting and A&S.

  --- eilis o'boirne, Board Ombudsthing for Ansteorra
      and ex-Western Seneschale, who had to deal with both Palatine Baronies
and Crown Principalities...willing to answer questions about "how we did
it"", but *not* willing to state that"the way we did it" is the one true way

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