
stddly at stddly at
Wed Sep 18 00:24:46 PDT 1996

Well Met Brothers and Sisters...fellow Ansteorrans all!

I do so wish I could operate this VAX mailer a bit more adroitly...*smile*
I can't seem to get this rascal to do "quotes" from other's posts. Lionardo
Acquistapace, Bjornborg...wrote on the differences of culture being regulated
or enhanced by the Crown passing or recinding a Law at the Kingdom level. The
only thing that effects a Region's or a Group's "culture" are the people that
reside in that area. If the folk want a different flavor to their activities
then they change things! What we really need in this Kingdom is not 
principalities...but, an end to APATHY! Too many, for too long, have let too
few, do too much... Each of us, every person that ever reads these words needs
to GET INVOLVED! Think on it people, if every one of us did but two hours per
week on a number of Kingdom or Regional level projects what wonders could we
produce... It doesn't take mega-bucks or a 40 hr. work week to accomplish
Great Things for Ansteorra. It takes willing hands, active minds, a dollar here
a donation of supplies there, and OUR Kingdom will take on a new look, a new
vitality... If you've never held and office, get one! If an office is filled,
be an _active_ deputy! Give of yourself, as so many gave of themselves to make
this Kingdom a special place for YOU... You can make Ansteorra even more 
special for those that come after you... Ansteorra _is_ different than the 
other Kingdoms, let us all work to keep it so... ONE STAR...ONE KINGDOM.

I remain...

...a stalwart ANSTEORRAN

Sir Kief av Kiersted...

"Better the Hammer than the nail..."

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