[SCA-WEST:8515] GWW Financial Statement (REALLY Long)

by way of Burke McCrory <burkemc@ionet.net> Gileshill at aol.com
Wed Apr 2 16:43:49 PST 1997

As was promised before the event, the GWW staff is pleased to publish a
financial summary for the Great Western War:

Income:		$60,975.32
Expenses:	 32,863.20
Profit:		 28,112.12 (less $97.00 uncollectable)

less $10,000.00 seed money,  leaves $18,015.00 to be distributed as follows:

Kingdom of Ansteorra     $135.03 
Kingdom of An Tir         $293.68 
Kingdom of Atenveldt   $320.65 
Kingdom of Calontir       $306.08
Kingdom of Caid       $12,162.96
Kingdom of Meridies      $103.54 
Kingdom of the Middle      $103.54 
Kingdom of the Outlands      $3,200.97
Kingdom of Trimaris       $51.77 
Kingdom of the West      $1,336.91

Below are published the cover letter from the Event Exchequer, and the
detailed financial statements from the Event, which were sent out April 4,
1997 with the checks.  This summary has been published to the Caid, Western,
Aten, and Outlandish lists, and the Rialto... feel free to forward it (in
it's entirity) to any who may find it of interest.  On a personal note, let
me say that being the Publicity person for this event as been a real 

learning experience.  If an event of this sort is held again,   I can only
hope that it will be as much fun as this one was.



Greetings from Mistress Tetchubah of Greenlake, Event Exchequer for the Great

Western War ,

Enclosed you will find your kingdom's share of profits from the Great Western
  This amount represents your share of volunteer hours and gate attendance, 
and its computation is detailed in an attached report.  I am also enclosing a

copy of the financial report for the war in its entirety, from the beginning
its organization in November 1996 to the closing of the books in April, 1997.

As an explanation of how these numbers were reached, the profit distributions

reflect the amount left in the bank after we have set aside our seed money
a potential future event.  The seed money fund was established at $10,000,
based on expected 
expenses and an estimate of how many preregistrations would be 
collected prior to the event.  Plans would include reimbursing the 
autocrat staff when they need the money (rather than making them wait until 
after the event which caused some financial hardship), increasing the number
portapotties and showers on site, and improving the safety and distribution
electricity to the Troll Booth and the merchants area.  The receivable shown
the financial report was not included in the total for money to be
as we doubt it's collectibility.

The money remaining after the seed fund was established, $18,015.12, was
50/50 between the volunteer hours and the gate attendance (see the attached 
report).  As I am sending only one check to each kingdom, please pass on the 
funds designated to other groups within your kingdom.  There are 2
for money going to the kingdom general funds, one as "specified" and one as 
"unspecified".  The specified amounts were where the individual working the 
hours designated your kingdom as the beneficiary of their hours, but did not 
specify a particular fund.  The unspecified amount is where an individual 
worked hours, but did not specify a recipient for the proceeds.  These
were paid out based on which kingdom the person lives in.  These amounts
be added together, as well as adding the amount for the attendance, to 
determine the total amount for your Kingdom General Fund.

The amount computed for the gate attendance was a little trickier.  Due to
heavy skew to Caidan attendance, and our desire to keep Caid's share of the 
profits to a minimum to encourage other kingdoms to participate, it was
by the Kingdom Financial Committee and the GWW Autocrats to cap Caid's share
the gate at 50% of accounted for attendance (Caid's actual share was 92% of 
attendance).  The other 50% of the attendance money will be split among those

kingdoms who had accounted for attendance.  By "accounted for" I mean where a

person actually designated what kingdom they lived in on their registration 
form, or where we could figure it out from their address.  Although we had 
approximately 2000 attendees at GWWI, only 1095 specified a kingdom or gave
a complete enough address to determine their kingdom, so the percentages on
attached report are based only on those 1095 attendees.   Some registrations 
were lost in the Wednesday night wind storm, but it's extremely likely that 
most of those 900 people were day visitors, and therefore Caidan, so they
were not included in 
the computation.  I encourage you to make it known in your kingdom that
people attend GWWII, they should make sure they specify their home kingdom on

the registration form so that you may receive your share of the gate count.

If you have any questions regarding the computations contained in these 
reports, please feel free to contact me at the above address.  General 
questions and comments should be sent to the Event Steward, The Honorable
Cara Michelle du Valier (Carolyn Zitny) at (714) 544-4669.

Yours in Service,

Tetchubah of Greenlake

PS to Kingdom Exchequers:  Please deposit these checks as soon as possible.
would like to close this account due to problems we are having with Bank of 
America.  The amount on your check has been reported on our books as a 
"Transfer to another group outside the kingdom" - please report it as a 
"Transfer received from another group outside the kingdom." I will be taking
the job of Deputy Society Exchequer effective in April 1997 (and will
assume the actual position sometime in 1998), so you might want to make a
of the address as the IKD is slow to reflect changes.

"SCA, Inc - Kingdom of Caid - Great Western War I After Payouts to 

Assets     Start Mar 31 1996 
a) Cash on Hand    $0.00  $0.00  
b) Cash Earning Interest    $0.00  $10,000.00 
c) Receivables    $0.00  $97.00  
d) Inventory for Sale    $0.00  $0.00  
e) Regalia & Donated Property   $0.00  $0.00  
f) Purchased Property & Equip   $0.00  $0.00  
g) Less: Accumulated Depr    $0.00  $0.00  
h) Other Assets    $0.00  $0.00  
Total Assets     $0.00  $10,097.00 
a) Newsletter     $0.00  $0.00  
b) Payables     $0.00  $0.00  
c) Other liabilities    $0.00  $0.00  
Total Liabilities    $0.00  $0.00  
Net Worth     $0.00  $10,097.00 
Change in Net Worth     $10,097.00 
Net Income       $10,097.00  
Difference       $0.00  
Income Statement      
1. Contributions from the General Public    $0.00 
2. Direct Contributions      $2,695.61
3. Event Related Income      $50,829.79
4.Funds received from another SCA group       
 within the Kingdom      $5,689.50
 Outside the Kingdom     $0.00 
5. Income from Sale of non-inventory Property  $0.00 
6.Interest Earned       $74.03 
7. Inventory Added       $0.00 
8. Net Inventory Sales Income     $1,535.80
9. Net Newsletter Income      $0.00 
10. Other Income       $150.59 
11. Total Gross Income      $60,975.32 
Expenses    Off & Ad Event  Fund Rais Total
12. Advertising   $0.00    $32.00  $0.00   $32.00 
13. Bad Debts   $0.00    $0.00   $0.00   $0.00 
14. Bank Service Charges  $0.00    $69.60  $0.00   $69.60 
15. Depreciation   $0.00    $0.00   $0.00   $0.00 
16. Equipment Rent & Maint $0.00    $3,746.45  $0.00   $3,746.45 
17. Fees & Honoraria  $0.00    $0.00   $0.00   $0.00 
18. Food    $0.00    $36.02  $0.00   $36.02 
19. General Supplies  $0.00    $3,305.74 $0.00   $3,305.74
20. Insurance    $0.00    $0.00   $0.00   $0.00 
21.  Occupancy charges  $0.00    $21,060.90 $0.00   $21,060.90
22. Postage    $0.00    $253.71  $0.00   $253.71 
23. Printing & Pubs   $0.00    $378.28  $0.00   $378.28 
24. Released Property  $0.00    $0.00   $0.00   $0.00 
25. Telephone   $0.00    $0.00   $0.00   $0.00 
26. Travel    $0.00    $0.00   $0.00   $0.00 
27. Other Expenses   $0.00    $172.50  $0.00   $172.50 
28. Sub total    $0.00    $29,055.20  $0.00   $29,055.20
29. Donations to other 501(c)(3) orgs       $0.00 
30. Moved to another account w/in kingdom     $15,930.96
 outside of the kingdom        $5,892.16 
31. Inventory expenses         $0.00 
32. Total expenses          $50,878.32
Net Income (loss)          $10,097.00
*Advertising does not reflect additional $32 paid by Kingdom General Fund   

Kingdom of Caid - Great Western War I - Supplemental Statements     

Transfers from Within the Kingdom     Amount
Inc. Canton of Drachenfeld      $100.00 
Shire of Al-Sahid       $500.00 
Barony of Starkhafn       $1,021.50 
Barony of Dun Or       $50.00 
Canton of Gallavalley ($200 donation/$800 Loan)  $1,000.00
Kingdom of Caid (Circle of Bards)     $50.00 
Kingdom of Caid (Seed money advance)    $2,968.00 
Total Received from Groups within Kingdom  $5,689.50 

Transfers to Groups within the Kingdom    Amount
Canton of Gallavalley (Loan Repayment)    $800.00 
Kingdom of Caid (Seed Money repayment)  $2,968.00
Kingdom of Caid       $12,162.96
Total Transfers to Groups within Kingdom    $15,930.96 
Other Income     
Difference in Amount Cleared Check #1028  $0.59 
Rent on Pavilion for Dreiburgen General Store  $150.00 
Total Other Income       $150.59 

Transfers to Groups outside the Kingdom    Amount
"SCA, Inc. (Insurance)"      $40.00 
Kingdom of Ansteorra      $135.03 
Kingdom of An Tir       $293.68 
Kingdom of Atenveldt      $320.65 
Kingdom of Calontir       $306.08 
Kingdom of Meridies      $103.54 
Kingdom of the Middle      $103.54 
Kingdom of the Outlands      $3,200.97
Kingdom of Trimaris       $51.77 
Kingdom of the West      $1,336.91
Total Transfers to Groups Outside the Kingdom  $5,892.16

Amount to Volunteer Hours     "$9,007.56 "
Amount paid per Hour (2288 hours)   $3.94 
Amount to Attendance     "$9,007.56 "
    Less: Cap on Caidan attendance   "$4,503.78 "
Amount paid per attendee - Other Kingdoms $51.77 
Ansteorra     Amount
Number of Attendees    2 $103.54 
Groups Earning Volunteer Hours:     
Elfsea      8 $31.49 
Total Volunteer Hours Worked   8 $31.49 
Total Paid to Ansteorra     $135.03 
An Tir     
Number of Attendees    4 $207.07 
Groups Earning Volunteer Hours:     
Inc. College of St. Urban    10 $39.37 
Kingdom General Fund (unspecified)  12 $47.24 
Total Volunteer Hours Worked   22 $86.61 
Total Paid to An Tir      $293.68 
Number of Attendees    3 $155.30 
Groups Earning Volunteer Hours:     
Kingdom General Fund (unspecified)  42 $165.35 
Total Paid to Atenveldt     $320.65 
Number of Attendees (capped at 50%)  1008 "$4,503.78 "
Groups Earning Volunteer Hours:     
Kingdom General Fund (unspecified)   1125.75 "$4,431.93 "
Kingdom General Fund (specified)  50.5 $198.81 
Kingdom Travel Fund (specified)   36 $141.73 
Shire of Al-Sahid    11.25 $44.29 
Barony of Altavia    17 $66.93 
Barony of Angels    56.5 $222.43 
College of Heralds    39.5 $155.51 
Barony of Califia    126 $496.05 
Canton Mons Draconus    13.5 $53.15 
Canton of Phuill Na Gainne    27.5 $108.26 
Canton of the Canyons    12.25 $48.23 
College of Fenwood Knoll    8 $31.49 
College of Scribes    13.5 $53.15 
Shire of Darach    7 $27.56 
Barony of Dreiburgen    55 $216.53 
Barony of Dun Or    16 $62.99 
Academy of Equestrian Arts   18.5 $72.83 
Canton of Gallavalley    3 $11.81 
Great Western War II    156 $614.15 
Barony of Gyldenholt    23.25 $91.53 
Shire of Heatherwyne    10 $39.37 
Shire of Isles     38.5 $151.57 
Barony of Lyondemere    2 $7.87 
Barony of Naevehjem    14 $55.12 
Barony of Nordwache    14 $55.12 
Barony of Starkhafn    12 $47.24 
Shire of Wintermist    39 $153.54 
Total Volunteer Hours Worked  1945.5 "$7,659.18 "
Total Paid to Caid     "$12,162.96 "
Number of attendees    5 $258.84 
Groups Earning Volunteer Hours:     
Kingdom General Fund (Unspecified)  12 $47.24 
Total Paid to Calontir     $306.08 
Number of Attendees    2 $103.54 
Groups Earning Volunteer Hours:     
None Worked    0 $0.00 
Total Paid to Meridies     $103.54 
Number of Attendees    2 $103.54 
Groups Earning Volunteer Hours:     
None Worked    0 $0.00 
Total Paid to Middle      $103.54 
Number of Attendees    44 "$2,277.77 "
Groups Earning Volunteer Hours:     
Kingdom General Fund (unspecified)  129.5 $509.82 
Kingdom General Fund (specified)  51.5 $202.75 
Hawkshollow     31.5 $124.01 
Unserhafn     22 $86.61 
Total Volunteer Hours Worked   234.5 $923.20 
Total Paid to Outlands     "$3,200.97 "
Number of Attendees    1 $51.77 
Groups Earning Volunteer Hours:     
None Worked    0 $0.00 
Total Paid to Trimaris     $51.77 
Number of Attendees    24 "$1,242.42 "
Groups Earning Volunteer Hours:     
Kingdom General Fund (Unspecified)  11 $43.31 
Kingdom General Fund (Specified)  3 $11.81 
Shire of Beaconsgate    10 $39.37 
Total Volunteer Hours Worked   24 $94.48 
Total Paid to West      "$1,336.91 "

Cross check total on Attendence     "$9,007.56 "
Cross check total on Volunteer Hours     "$9,007.56 "
Cross check on Total Hours Worked     2288.00

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