sugar wars

V. Allan Endel endel at
Mon Apr 7 08:06:41 PDT 1997

At 06:29 PM 4/3/97 -0600, you wrote:
>>They're small and they're all woaded up--Good Lord, they're the long lost
>Hey dangit ...

Well, no, you're not lost ... but most of the rest were.
V. Allan Endel, Laird Alan MacRonan MacCalum of House Mac an Ghabhann and
Keep of
the Haunted Grove, resident of the Canton of Dragonsfire Tor and the Barony
of Elfsea, Herald of the Canton of Dragonsfire Tor, Bard to the Ice Pirates

Quote of the Era: "Oh, Lord, it's hard to be humble when you're perfect in
every way" -- Mac Davis

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